In all instances, the golf course superintendent coordinates operations with the club manager and golf professional. In membership club organizations, the golf course superintendent also communicates and coordinates with all relevant membership groups and committees.
Typical functions
The golf course superintendent assumes responsibility for managing and maintaining golf course properties, which may include:
* The golf course(s)
* Maintenance equipment
* The golf car fleet
* Clubhouse grounds and landscaping
* Tennis courts, swimming pool and other recreational facilities
* Open spaces, wooded areas, unused acreage and areas outside the perimeter fence
* Sod farm and nursery
* Other properties as specified in writing by the superintendent's supervisor
Additional functions
* Construction, renovation and/or reconstruction of such properties, whether performed by maintenance staff or outside contractors.
* Prepares the annual budgets for the maintenance and capital improvement of course properties. The superintendent formulates the annual maintenance and capital budgets so as to implement board policies established in accordance with the long-range plan and defined maintenance standards.
* Interviews, hires, trains and supervises a staff of employees for the purpose of maintaining the properties. The superintendent has authority to terminate employment of subordinates.
* Plans all maintenance and project work, applying his or her agronomic and administrative expertise to achieve the agreed-upon maintenance standards and long-range goals.
* Oversees the scheduling and routing of personnel and equipment to accomplish the work. The superintendent frequently inspects the golf course and related areas to evaluate how well management standards are being achieved and to effect changes in management programs.
* Acquires equipment and purchases necessary supplies to maintain the golf course and other properties. The superintendent is responsible for inventory control and oversees the equipment maintenance programs. The superintendent approves all expenditures and exercises cost control measures to keep, as nearly as possible, operating and capital expenses in line with the approved budgets.
* Keeps accurate and complete records on payroll, inventory, weather data, maintenance procedures, pesticide applications, etc.
* Communicates regularly with other members of the top management group to discuss activities, goals, plans and member/customer input.
Employment standards
* Advanced knowledge of agronomy and turfgrass management practices; a working knowledge of golf facility construction principles, practices and methods; and a thorough understanding of the rules and strategies of the game of golf.
* A high degree of administrative and executive ability, especially in terms of problem solving and decision making.
* Proficiency in computer use, knowledge of Microsoft Office and other applications.
* Excellent oral and written communications skills.
* Knowledge of current federal, state and local laws and regulations affecting the management of golf course operations (including, but not limited to, employment, safety and environmental standards, laws and regulations).
* Participation in continuing education opportunities such as seminars, workshops, correspondence courses, field days and trade shows.
* May require current state certification or licensing as a pesticide applicator.
Other duties as assigned.
Start 75,000, Mid 82,500, Max 95,000