Columbia Basin College

Join the CBC team and help us transform students’ lives!
CBC is committed to our vision to be the educational home that transforms students' lives through economic and social mobility. We are one of eight Hispanic-Serving Institutions in Washington state with Hispanic students representing just under half of our student population. As such, CBC is committed to discovering and enacting innovative ways to intentionally serve Hispanic students while serving all. We center equity in all that we do and seek to attract and retain engaged individuals committed to helping all students be successful in accomplishing their goals.
CBC places a high value on the ability to communicate effectively across cultures, to implement culturally responsive teaching strategies, and model intercultural empathy. Experience in serving Hispanic students is not merely a preference — it is valued at Columbia Basin College. Advanced intercultural knowledge and skills among our employees is essential to the success of our students and our institution as a whole.
El CBC está comprometido con nuestra visión de ser el hogar educativo que transforma las vidas de los estudiantes a través de la movilización económica y social. Somos una de ocho Instituciones al Servicio de los hispanos en el estado de Washington y los estudiantes hispanos representan un poco menos de la mitad de nuestra población estudiantil. Como tal, CBC se compromete a descubrir y crear formas innovadoras para servir intencionalmente a los estudiantes hispanos, mientras que al mismo tiempo sirve a todos los demás. Nos enfocamos en la equidad en todo lo que hacemos y buscamos atraer y retener individuos que se comprometan en ayudar a todos los estudiantes a tener éxito en el logro de sus metas.
El CBC le da un enorme valor a la habilidad de comunicarse efectivamente a través de culturas, para implementar estrategias de enseñanza culturalmente responsivas, y modelar empatía intercultural. La experiencia en servir a los estudiantes hispanos no es simplemente una preferencia, sino que es algo que se valora en el Columbia Basin College. El conocimiento y las aptitudes interculturales avanzadas entre nuestros empleados son esenciales para el éxito de nuestros estudiantes y de nuestra institución en su totalidad.
Find out more about our diverse and vibrant community!
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CBC is an equal opportunity employer and complies with the letter and spirit of all federal and state laws. CBC encourages applications from qualified candidates regardless of race, color, religion, sex, national origin, age, disability, or other legal protected characteristics.
Search among Columbia Basin College jobs
Jobs: 1 - 6 of 6 |

Assistant Professor of Nuclear Technology (2 positions)
Pasco, Washington
Description Join the CBC team and help us transform students' lives! CBC is committed to our vision to be the educational home that transforms students' lives through economic and social mobility. We are one of eight Hispanic-Serving Instit...
Job Type | Full Time |

Customer Service Specialist 3 - Hawk Central (2 Positions)
Pasco, Washington
Description Columbia Basin College is seeking two Customer Service Specialist 3 to provide high quality services and support to prospective and enrolled students in a friendly, fast paced, customer-focused environment called Hawk Central. T...
Job Type | Full Time |

Pasco, Washington
Description Columbia Basin College seeks a Custodian 3 to supervise Swing Shift custodial staff on a team cleaning concept and perform a variety of custodial tasks to maintain cleanliness and care of CBC campus buildings and grounds. This p...
Job Type | Full Time |

Assistant Professor of Biology
Pasco, Washington
Description Join the CBC team and help us transform students' lives! CBC is committed to our vision to be the educational home that transforms students' lives through economic and social mobility. We are one of eight Hispanic-Serving Instit...
Job Type | Full Time |

Instructor of Applied Management - Full-Time, One-Year Temporary
Pasco, Washington
Description Join the CBC team and help us transform students' lives! CBC is committed to our vision to be the educational home that transforms students' lives through economic and social mobility. We are one of eight Hispanic-Serving Instit...
Job Type | Temporary |

Assistant Professor of Respiratory Therapy
Pasco, Washington
Description Join the CBC team and help us transform students' lives! CBC is committed to our vision to be the educational home that transforms students' lives through economic and social mobility. We are one of eight Hispanic-Serving Instit...
Job Type | Full Time |